Wednesday, February 10, 2010


"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime" - Anonymous

This will be my favourite quote that aptly sums up my reflections for the entire EIR module.

In the past, everytime i needed to use the net to source for any important information, I would always rely on my friends and peers to help me. I guess it was an impromptu decision when I saw Effective Internet Research as one of the choices of the CDS selection, I immediately chose it without thinking.

In retrospect, this was perhaps the best CDS I've taken in the 3 years of my poly life. It was fun and tiring. The classmates were all shy initially, but gradually opened up to each other. Besides valuable knowledge on the World Wide Web, we also take away friendships and fond memories of this exciting class. I'd like to thank Miss Faridah and P01 for making this journey with me so sweet and surreal.

Nevertheless, though this trip with the class has ended, I guess this is only the beginning of being able to fully grasp the importance and usefulness of harnessing the Internet as a powerful tool.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.”


Hi! My dream holiday will definitely be Hawaii!!

Here are just a few of the awesome website that showcase the multitude of attractions at this famous island.

I've always loved the sun and the sea; Hawaii simply is the epitome of it! Its sandy beaches can stretch miles after miles and every dawn and dusk will be memorable with the one you love.

The whale watching there is also awesome. The humpback whales love to swim in the protected waters there, and really come close to the ships. It is even possible to take a trip in a submarine there to take a closer look at the wonders of Hawaii's crystal-clear waters.

I would really enjoy sitting beside a campfire everynight, singing songs of songs of love and life with an ukelele, and merrymaking with the clangs of resounding glass when beer is toasted throughout the night.

Zixuan =)


This week, we logged into Temasek Polytechnic's Digital Library Portal Research Gateway via

I realised that the Academic Search Premier returns highly useful academic journals for my research topic. It has professional journals that include extensive information and bibliographies for references. It even includes many forms of primary research that the authors of the journals have conducted, including surveys and focus groups.

What is most amazing about these journals is that they even include limitations on their own reports, which makes these journals extremely useful.